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Memory in Oral Traditions: The Cognitive Psychology of Epic, Ballads, and Counting-out Rhymes

Memory in Oral Traditions: The Cognitive Psychology of Epic, Ballads, and Counting-out Rhymes 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-08-23 08:14:08

作者:David C. Rubin

出版社:Oxford University Press, USA



文件格式: pdf

标签: 口头传统 〖记忆研究〗 记忆 认知心理 ★Folklore psychology memory

简介· · · · · ·

Oral tradition is important in many fields of study such as psychology, anthropology, linguistics, folklore studies, history and the classics. This book combines the methods and theories of cognitive psychology with the study of oral traditions to test and expand the ideas of both. It is the first book on oral tradition from an author with professional knowledge of human memory...


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