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剑桥法律英语 豆 8.5分
资源最后更新于 2020-08-26 06:32:03
作者:布朗(Gillian D.Brown)
文件格式: pdf
标签: 法律英语 法律 英语 工具书 法学 剑桥 法律专业书 剑桥法律英语
简介· · · · · ·
《剑桥法律英语》是一本专为在工作和学习中需要使用法律英语语句和词汇且英文水平为中级或高级的读者而写。它可作为自学的辅导,也可作为课堂教学的教材。如果你准备参加“国际法律英语证书”(ILEC)考试,本书也是一本理想的备考用书。 本书共有45个单元,包含大量法律领域常用词汇,内容涉及到公司法和商法、责任义务、房产法、雇佣法、信息技术、合同法、知识产权等广泛的法律主题。同时介绍了与法律系统、法律职业相关的一般性术语以及从业律师在日常工作中需要使用的功能性语言。整本书中学习与练习相结合,强化了学生的学习效果,提高了他们使用法律知识的能力和自信心。 书后还附有练习答案及索引。
THANKS ANDACKNOWLEDGMENTSINTRODUCTIONTHE LEGAL SYSTEM1 Legal systemsA The structure of the lawB The constitutionC Jurisdiction2 Sources of law: legislationA Background to making new lawB Early development of a BillC Passing an Act3 Sources of law:common lawA Common law in the UKB Law reports4 The court systemA Civil courtsB Criminal courts5 Criminal justice and criminal proceedingsA Criminal justiceB Categories of criminal offenceC Criminal court proceedings6 Civil procedureA Civil Procedure RulesB Proceeding with a claim7 TribunalsA The status and range of tribunalsB Composition of tribunals and procedure8 European Union lawA What is the EU?B How does the EU impact on Member States?LEGAL PROFESSIONALS9 SolicitorsA Legal practitionersB TrainingC A partner in a law firm10 BarristersA OrganisationB Training and qualifications of practising barristers11 Working livesA A company commercial lawyerB A legal secretary12 JudgesA Judicial appointments in England and WalesB The training of judgesC Civil courts: sentencing and court orders13 A law firm's structure and practiceA A law firm's structure and practiceLEGAL PROFESSIONALS IN PRACTICE14 Client care proceduresA Explaining client care procedures15 Money laundering proceduresA Money laundering procedures16 Client correspondenceA Client correspondenceB Standard phrases for starting and ending letters and emails17 Explanations and clarificationA Explaining a procedureB Approximating and comparingC Rephrasing and clarifying LegaleseA Legal languageB Latin termsC Older words and modem equivalents LAW IN PRACTICE19 Business organisationsA Sole traderB PartnershipsC Limited Companies20 Formation of a companyA IncorporationB Memorandum and Articles of Association21 Raising capital by share saleA Share capitalB Share valueC Rights attaching to shares22 Debt financing: secured lendingA Granting securityB The terms of a charge23 Company directors and company secretariesA Qualifications and duties of a company directorB Qualifications and duties of a company secretary24 Insolvency and winding upA InsolvencyB Insolvency scenarios25 Alternative dispute resolutionA Alternative dispute resolutionB ADR procedures26 Corporation TaxA Corporation Tax liability in the UKB Word combinations with 'tax'27 Mergers and acquisitionsA Mergers and acquisitionsB Dealing disclosure requirements28 Anti-competitive behaviourA Competition lawB Competition inquiryC Information gathering, hearings, and remediesLIABILITY29 Tort 1: personal injury claimA TortB Client briefing notes - personal injury claims30 Tort 2: clinical negligenceA Clinical negligence practiceCONTRACT31 Forming a contract 1A Basic principlesB Formation of a contract32 Forming a contract 2A Form of contractB Void or voidable or unenforceable contracts33 Structure of a commercial contractA Structure of a commercial contract34 Express and implied termsA Express termsB Implied terms35 Exclusion, limitation andstandard clausesA Exclusion and limitation clausesB Standard clauses36 Privity of contract,discharge, and remediesA Privity of contractB Discharge of contractC Remedies for breach of contract37 Standard terms in the sale and supply of goodsA Using standard termsB Incorporating terms38 Licensing agreements and computer programsA Licences and software productsB Exclusion and limitation clauses39 Commercial leasesA Interest in propertyB Terms of a commercial leaseC Obtaining leasehold interest40 Buying and selling commercial propertyA Commercial conveyancingB Sale by auctionC Sale by private treaty41 Employment lawA Employment lawB Contract of employmentINTELLECTUAL PROPERTY42 Copyright and patentA CopyrightB Patent43 Trade marks, domain names, and remedies for IP infringementA Trade marks and domain namesB Remedies for IP infringementINFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LAW44 Information technology law and cybercrimeA Computer securityB Cybercrimee Data protectionENVIRONMENTAL LAW45 Environmental lawA International environmental lawB National environmental lawC Application of environmental lawAnswer keyIndex