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Introduction to Many-Body Physics

Introduction to Many-Body Physics 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-09-21 16:00:50

作者:Piers Coleman

出版社:Cambridge University Press



文件格式: pdf

标签: 多体理论 凝聚态物理 物理 量子场论 凝聚态理论 多体 未完 凝聚态7

简介· · · · · ·

A modern, graduate-level introduction to many body physics in condensed matter, this textbook explains the tools and concepts needed for a research-level understanding of the correlated behavior of quantum fluids. Starting with an operator-based introduction to the quantum field theory of many body physics, this textbook presents the Feynman diagram approach, Green's functions ...

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1. Scales and complexity;
2. Quantum fields;
3. Conserved particles;
4. Simple examples of second-quantization;
5. Green's functions;
6. Landau Fermi liquid theory;
7. Zero temperature Feynman diagrams;
8. Finite temperature many-body physics;
9. Fluctuation dissipation and linear response theory;
10. Electron transport theory;
11. Phase transitions and broken symmetry;
12. Path integrals;
13. Path integrals and itinerant magnetism;
14. Superconductivity and BCS theory;
15. Retardation and anisotrophic pairing;
16. Local moments and the Kondo effect;
17. Heavy electrons;
18. Mixed valence, fluctuations and topology;
19. Epilogue: the challenge of the future; Index.