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The Essential Guide to Flash Games: Building Interactive Entertainment with ActionScript

The Essential Guide to Flash Games: Building Interactive Entertainment with ActionScript 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-09-23 15:11:55

作者:Jeff Fulton

出版社:friends of ED



文件格式: pdf

标签: 游戏开发 flash actionscript 游戏程序 ActionScript3 AS3.0 计算机 编程

简介· · · · · ·

The Essential Guide to Flash Games is a unique tool for Flash game developers. Rather than focusing on a bunch of low-level how-to material, this book dives straight into building games. The book is divided into specific game genre projects, covering everything from old classics such as a Missile Command-style game, to hot new genres such as retro evolved. The chapters build in...


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