分类于: 人工智能 编程语言


Eating Rice from Bamboo Roots: The Social History of a Community of Handicraft Papermakers in Rural Sichuan, 1920-2000

Eating Rice from Bamboo Roots: The Social History of a Community of Handicraft Papermakers in Rural Sichuan, 1920-2000 9.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-10-23 14:37:17

作者:Jacob Eyferth

出版社:Harvard University Asia Center



文件格式: pdf

标签: 海外中国研究 社会史 技术史 农村 手工业 人类学 文化史 历史

简介· · · · · ·

This book charts the vicissitudes of a rural community of papermakers in Sichuan. The process of transforming bamboo into paper involves production-related and social skills, as well as the everyday skills that allowed these papermakers to survive in an era of tumultuous change. The Chinese revolution - understood as a series of interconnected political, social, and technologic...


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Tables, Maps, and Illustrations
Weights, Measurements, and Money
1. Locations of Skill
2. Community and Kinship in the Jiajiang Hills
3. Class and Commerce
4. Artisans into Peasants
5. Papermakers on the Socialist Road, 1949 to 1958
6. The Great Leap Famine and Rural Deindustrialization
7. The Return to Household Production
8. Paper Trade and Village Industries in the Reform Era
9. The Jiadangqiao Stele
A. Character List for Selected Chinese Names and Terms
B. Glossary of Selected Papermaking Terms
C. Main Paper Types and Their Markets in the Twentieth Century
Works Cited