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Solving Product Design Exercises: Questions & Answers

Solving Product Design Exercises: Questions & Answers 8.6分

资源最后更新于 2020-11-12 04:36:19

作者:Artiom Dashinsky

出版社:Independently published



文件格式: pdf

标签: UX 设计 工具书 产品设计 招聘 交互设计 Design 13-JAN-2019

简介· · · · · ·

Practice your product design and UX skills. Prepare for your next job interview.

Redesign the NYC metrocard system. Design a dashboard for a general practitioner. Redesign an ATM.

Learn how to solve and present exercises like these, that top startups use to interview designers for product design and UI/UX roles.

Today top companies are looking for business-minded designers who ...


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Prepare for the design interview — prepare for the design exercise and learn more about how tech companies hire product designers.
Improve your portfolio — use product challenges to showcase in your porfolio instead of unsolicited visual redesigns.
Step up your design career — practice your product design skills to become a better designer and prepare for your next career move.
Interview designers — learn how to interview designers to evaluate their skills in the most efficient and scalable way.