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Mastering Computer Vision with TensorFlow 2.x: Build advanced computer vision applications using machine learning and deep learning techniques

Mastering Computer Vision with TensorFlow 2.x: Build advanced computer vision applications using machine learning and deep learning techniques 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-11-15 04:18:06

作者:Krishnendu Kar




文件格式: pdf

标签: tensorflow DL CV

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Computer Vision and Tensorflow Fundamentals
Content Recognition using Local Binary Pattern
Face Recognition and Tracking using Viola Jones Algorithm & OpenCV
Deep learning on images
Neural Network Architecture & Models
Visual Search using Transfer Learning
Object Detection using YOLO
Semantic Segmentation and Neural Style Transfer
Action Recognition using Multitask Deep Learning
Object Classification and Detection using RCNN
Deep Learning on Edge Devices with GPU/CPU Optimization
Cloud Computing Platform for Computer Vision