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VLSI Fabrication Principles: Silicon and Gallium Arsenide, 2nd Edition

VLSI Fabrication Principles: Silicon and Gallium Arsenide, 2nd Edition 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-11-15 04:39:38

作者:Sorab K. Ghandhi




文件格式: pdf

标签: 安邦之道·Matrix 【pdf待购】 PDF IC

简介· · · · · ·

Fully updated with the latest technologies, this edition covers the fundamental principles underlying fabrication processes for semiconductor devices along with integrated circuits made from silicon and gallium arsenide. Stresses fabrication criteria for such circuits as CMOS, bipolar, MOS, FET, etc. These diverse technologies are introduced separately and then consolidated int...


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01. Material Properties-----------------------------------1~68
02. Phase Diagrams and Solid Solubility------------69~101
03. Crystal Growth and Doping------------------------102~149
04. Diffusion------------------------------------------------150~257
05. Epitaxy--------------------------------------------------258~367
06. Ion Implantation---------------------------------------368~450
07. Native Films--------------------------------------------451~509
08. Deposited Films---------------------------------------510~586
09. Etching and Cleaning--------------------------------587~661
10. Lithographic Processes-----------------------------662~703
11. Device and Circuit Fabrication--------------------704~800
12. Appendix: The Mathematics of Diffusion