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Consider The Lobster: Essays and Arguments

Consider The Lobster: Essays and Arguments 9.1分

资源最后更新于 2020-09-03 16:31:13

作者:David Foster Wallace




文件格式: pdf

标签: DavidFosterWallace 美国 随笔 美国文学 文学 essay Non-fiction 英文原著

简介· · · · · ·

Do lobsters feel pain? Did Franz Kafka have a funny bone? What is John Updike's deal, anyway? And what happens when adult video starlets meet their fans in person? David Foster Wallace answers these questions and more in essays that are also enthralling narrative adventures. Whether covering the three-ring circus of a vicious presidential race, plunging into the wars between di...


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Big red son -- Certainly the end of something or other, one would sort of have to think -- Some remarks on Kafka's funniness from which probably not enough has been removed -- Authority and American usage -- The view from Mrs. Thompson's -- How Tracy Austin broke my heart -- Up, Simba -- Consider the lobster -- Joseph Frank's Dostoevsky -- Host.