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Introduction to Nonparametric Estimation

Introduction to Nonparametric Estimation 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-09-05 22:03:42

作者:Alexandre B. Tsybakov




文件格式: pdf

标签: Statistics 统计学 机器学习 非参数统计 数学 nonparametric 统计 Nonparametric

简介· · · · · ·

This is a concise text developed from lecture notes and ready to be used for a course on the graduate level. The main idea is to introduce the fundamental concepts of the theory while maintaining the exposition suitable for a first approach in the field. Therefore, the results are not always given in the most general form but rather under assumptions that lead to shorter or mor...

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Chapter 1: Nonparametric Estimators
Chapter 2: Lower Bounds on the Minimax Risk
Chapter 3: Asymptotic Efficiency and Adaptation