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The Art of Failure: An Essay on the Pain of Playing Video Games

The Art of Failure: An Essay on the Pain of Playing Video Games 8.1分

资源最后更新于 2020-09-23 15:11:10

作者:Jesper Juul

出版社:The MIT Press



文件格式: pdf

标签: 游戏 GameDesign 游戏设计 学术 游戏设计理论 遊戲研究 遊戲 科学人文

简介· · · · · ·

We may think of video games as being "fun," but in The Art of Failure, Jesper Juul claims that this is almost entirely mistaken. When we play video games, our facial expressions are rarely those of happiness or bliss. Instead, we frown, grimace, and shout in frustration as we lose, or die, or fail to advance to the next level. Humans may have a fundamental desire to succeed and...


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