分类于: 人工智能 云计算&大数据


Advanced Global Illumination

Advanced Global Illumination 8.6分

资源最后更新于 2020-09-23 15:12:12

作者:Philip Dutre

出版社:AK Peters



文件格式: pdf

标签: 计算机图形学 图形学 Illumination Global Graphics 游戏编程 渲染 计算机技术

简介· · · · · ·

This book provides a fundamental understanding of global illumination algorithms. It discusses a broad class of algorithms for realistic image synthesis and introduces a theoretical basis for the algorithms presented. Topics include: physics of light transport, Monte Carlo methods, general strategies for solving the rendering equation, stochastic path-tracing algorithms such as...


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1. Introduction
2. The Physics of Light Transport
3. Monte Carlo Methods
4. Strategies for Computing Light Transport
5. Stochastic Path-Tracing Algorithms
6. Stochastic Radiosity
7. Hybrid Algorithms
8. The Quest for Ultimate Realism and Speed
9. Conclusion
A. A Class Library for Global Illumination
B. Hemispherical Coordinates
C. Theoretical Analysis of Stochastic Relaxation Radiosity